"I'm Not Hungry, But I Need Help!"

One night when we were taking out prayer and food to the homeless in downtown Nashville, one man watched as we fed people and prayed while he stood by his parked car, waiting for his next ride assignment.

”Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?”

“I’m not hungry, but I need help! I need help with my family,” he answered, kind and pressing as he was upset with his personal situation.

“Would you like us to pray with you?” I asked.

”Yes, I need prayer. I need help with my family, “ he said.

E. was a driver who had immigrated from Kurdistan, and his family was experiencing relationship strains. He had moved his family to Nashville and supported them, working hard as an immigrant would have to. And now that his daughter had bought a new home, he found himself not welcome in it.

I told him I’m Christian and that I would ask Jesus to help him, and he responded eagerly, “Yes! Yes! I need help!”

And so we prayed and asked Jesus to restore harmony to his family, to bring people together in love and wisdom. I asked Him to bring forgiveness to all parties and to remove the ego from everyone’s personalities so they could feel their love for each other.

As we prayed, E. was thanking Jesus wholeheartedly, repeating, “Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.”

His heart had been broken by what was transpiring in his family, but we know Jesus heals the brokenhearted. It was heartwarming to watch E. be transformed in the moment to having hope again, to wanting to forgive and be forgiven by his so-important family members.

I haven’t spoken to E. again, but I believe I have seen him bringing passengers to the same spot, to take in the sight of the river, and I have seen at least one family praying right there with him.

I know Jesus stays with people as we ask Him to help us and to move us into better situations. I know He’s all-powerful and that he loves us more than humanly possible.

I pray that E.’s family is happy and in harmony, and that they feel the love of God moving in all of their lives.

In Your Name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

~ Julie